2 weeks left!

I’m sorry I haven’t gotten to post recently!  The past week I have been addressing, stuffing, stamping, and sealing 3,540 envelopes.  Its definitely been hard work but I love it because I sit in a very central location in the office to do this so everybody comes over and talks to me when they need a break from their work.  I’ve heard such an array of stories.  One thing that I really appreciate about the people here at Alpha is that they are willing to educate you on their illness, which they actually refer to as a blood disorder.  I definitely approached the topic with hesitance because I didn’t want to seem ignorant or rude, but they encourage me to ask questions about it.  One of the main things I learned that changes the way I see HIV/AIDS is that HIV is based on a series of numbers.  The higher your number, the less contagious you are.  Once your number reaches zero, it means you have AIDS.

I really wish I didn’t have to leave in 2 weeks, but I know I can come back any time and feel welcome.  I don’t work on Fridays and last Friday I came in to get some papers and everybody said “HI HANNAH!!” as if they hadn’t seen me in years and then they gave me a piece of cake.  I think I can work with that!!

I’m beginning to think about my presentation and I’ve realized that there is no way to explain how welcoming and wonderful Alpha has been to me.

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